
Head of the Centre. Doctor of law (habil.), assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (Poland). Attorney at law. In his academic work, Cezary deals with the relationship between law, politics, and philosophy – for a few years now, with particular emphasis on interspecies justice and legal protection of animals. Member of the Research Team for Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and the Research Group on Rights of Nature and Animals in affiliation with the International Association of Constitutional Law, as well as a participant in the workshop of the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law. Information about Cezary’s selected publications can be found in the Publications tab.

Member of the Centre. Doctor of law, assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (Poland). Attorney at law. In his academic work, Aleksander deals with administrative law, with particular emphasis on the protection of nature. In the past, Director of Education at the University Centre for Environmental Studies and Sustainable Development, currently holds a position of a Director of the Department of Forestry and Hunting at the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Member of the Problem Team for Sustainable Development and Environment and the Expert Committee “Climate and Space” at the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights. Information about Aleksander’s selected publications can be found in the Publications tab.

Member of the Centre. Doctor of law, assistant professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw (Poland). In her academic work, Anna deals with the issues of criminal law protection of animals. She is the supervisor of the students’ Science Club of Animal Rights at the Faculty. Information about Anna’s selected publications can be found in the Publications tab.

MA graduate in law, philosophy and psychology, PhD in law. Currently he works at the University of Warsaw, Law and Administration Faculty on a project entitled Analysis of the concept of a legal person from an ontological and linguistic perspective (no 2020/36/C/HS5/00600) funded by the National Science Center of Poland. Among many other academic and scientific activities, he also teaches at the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics (Jagiellonian University Medical College). Information about Paweł’s selected publications can be found in the Publications tab.


Antoni Cypryjański

A doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences at the University of Warsaw, in the discipline of legal sciences, and an assistant of a judge at the Supreme Administrative Court. Anthoni’s science interests include the relationship between law and politics, legal theory and environmental justice, and his dissertation deals with concepts of legal personhood of nature and natural objects. Information about Antoni’s selected publications can be found in the Publications tab.